Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (OHIM – the Trademarks and Designs Office of the European Union)
- Designed and developed a quality management system with strong usability features which serves as a key knowledge management resource for the Client
- Trained and coached the Quality Manager, central Quality Team, Quality Officers (in the departments) and Process Owners to strengthen the capability of the Client to manage its processes and quality in an effective way to deliver customer services that demonstrate improving performance
- Coordinated an extensive review of customer complaints involving many staff of different disciplines in order to understand the causes and identify relevant recommendations for improvement
- Facilitated a transition in internal auditing to support the requirements of the quality management system
- Facilitated the establishment and implementation of policies on business change and document control, including carrying out strategic impact assessments
- Presented the process management approach at seminars with other EU institutions and agencies and facilitated a process workshop with the Chinese Trade Mark Office, thereby promoting knowledge transfer and benchmarking
Rural Payments Agency
- Performed the role of Process Architect in the reengineering of the IT Department to be an ‘Intelligent Customer Function’. This resulted in the organisational design, new processes, the performance management framework, and a restructured quality management system that retained its certification to ISO 9001.
- Helped to establish and implement policies on business change, audit, information systems services and process management
- Assisted in integrating the new processes into an enterprise architecture
- Worked with key service providers to map the processes at the interface with RPA, to provide a basis for more effective collaborative working between the Client and the service providers
National Crime Squad (now Serious and Organised Crime Agency)
- Developed a new Project Initiation Document template and Guidelines for the Project Board, then piloted these on a new project to assist the Client to establish a more effective PRINCE2 implementation
- Designed a quality management system for the IT function to assist it in managing its relationships with other Client departments and with its prime service provider
Child Support Agency
- Analysed the situation and its complexity, developed some simple procedures to control the work, explained these to staff, provided support, acted as Change Manager to help to control the interface with IT and their requests for change. This resulted in better communication and a better managed flow of work
- Enabled the Customer Materials workstream of the Child Support Reform Programme to get back on schedule and meet its delivery deadlines
Vehicle Inspectorate (now Vehicle and Operator Services Agency)
- Drafted the Invitation To Tender (ITT) for the new framework contract with an IT service provider for the Client
- Developed business process maps for the main business activities: vehicle testing and enforcement
UK Hydrographic Office
- Designed a quality management system for the IT Department and led a team to develop process maps for the top two levels, then the procedures and templates at the lowest level.
- Represented UKHO with the selected ISO 9001 certification body to explain the new QMS and its compliance with ISO 9001 and so successfully pass the deskcheck or pre-audit
- Worked with the incoming Technical Director to prepare an Operational Model that included roles and responsibilities for a restructured IT Department
The Post Office
- Developed a Programme Management Plan template to help ICL to plan its programmes more fully so as to improve the probability of predictable delivery
- Helped to establish predictions of test duration and resource needs on the basis of software development scale and detected fault levels up to system test.
Save & Prosper
- Helped the IT function to apply improved walkthrough and review techniques, and improved project planning
- Helped the Programme Office to establish more focus in its management of data and reporting to the Client
Prudential Assurance
- Established a self-certification scheme to enable the different tranches of the Programme to report on their progress to a common standard
- Helped the Millennium Programme to manage its risks more effectively and to safeguard the interests of the Client